Thursday, November 7, 2013

Profiles in Schopenhauer: Mike Saunders and Mary Brandt

First in our series about Cangue Leaguers involved in our newest project, "The Death of Schopenhauer" is starting, appropriately enough, with Mike Saunders.

Mike Saunders was the first person that Cangue League founder, Gary Perrine approached in 2010 about doing some avant-garde theater for a show that turned out to be "Flowers." Here he is playing the outer bowl.

Mr. Saunders, while a bartender at The Meawhile has accrued a long list of Producer credits in local films including the big splash indie flick, APE.  Local cineastes can thank him for putting together iii Film Series at the Wealthy Street Theater "that not only investigates and examines the world around us but shows us a new and fresh approach towards film making."

Mike has played synth/keyboard for Cangue League's "Orchestra", Chance Jones and Moss Folk.  In our follow-up show, "Revolutions" Mr. Saunders penned, "Fiefdom," a skit that lampooned a particular art contest here in GR. Below are Don Mangione, Kyle Colter and Bobbie Gilbert creating a sculpture on stage before the audiences very eyes! "It's good for business."
In "The Death of Schopenhauer" Mike will play the part of megalomaniac producer which we assure you is a far cry from his real personality. Below, Mike helps out in LTD with Bobbie Gilbert and Ben Brandt.

Next up is Mary Brandt whom the theater gods sent us via a series of scheduling problems. Through a friend of a friend Mary contacted us and the rest is Cangue League history.  Our show "Skwert of Blud" had Mary all over it. Here she is playing Rita in one of Chris Eddy's "Mr. Spookity" pieces.
She handled an assault rifle in Hugo Claudin's, "20 Poems of Love and One AK-47" and Strangled Micheal J. Fox as Richard Nixon while being chauffeured by O. J. Simpson in "We Did It". Here she is marrying Josh Burge on the left and employing new birthing techniques after he becomes pregnant in the piece, "Regime Change"

In "Death of Schopenhauer" Mary will play a variety of roles from a sock puppet to Sisyphus to a producer in the shows pivotal scene. Mary has been a great asset to Cangue League.

Come and check out these talented people and others November 14th, 15th & 16th at Dog Story Theater [7 Jefferson se] for a unique theater experience. The Death of Schopenhauer an avant-garde opera!

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