Doors: 7:30 Show 8:00 $10
Skwert of Blud is an amalgam of seemingly disparate performance pieces and probably are. The anchor play is a version of Antonin Artaud's "
Jet of Blood" written in 1925 and still seems as fresh today as it did then. Cangue League's Skwert of Blud features Josh Burge, Mary Brandt, Kyle Colter, Katherine Marty, Bobbie Gilbert, Don Mangione and Hugo Claudin as the Priest!
Also we have Katherine Marty doing a presentation of one of her monologues. Don Mangione will show another de-re-constructed russian video with music by Mike Saunders.
Cangue League will reprise the popular LTD.
"LTD" from "Flowers" with Katherine Marty, (left) Ben Brandt (center) and Mike Saunders
Our most experimental pieces, Stand-up Tragedy, will run throughout the night where Josh Burge, Katherine Marty and Gary Perrine will take turns trying to make you cry. PLUS! Surprises!
Once again
Nate Neal did our poster art. We are grateful to everyone that contributes. Certainly the actors receive immediate gratification through your applause but Nate is one of the many behind-the-scenes Cangue Leaguers that merely gets a pat on the back and a swig of bourbon. Thanks, Nate.
New this time behind the curtain helping things run smoothly is Amanda Mitchell. Welcome Amanda.
Naturalment -
Cangue League Orchestra will do their thing with new pieces by Rebecca Rodriguez and Hugo Claudin with assistance from fellow orchestra members, Mike Saunders, Micky Mackenzie, Kyle Colter and Gary Perrine.
Come join us for some weird fun March 1st, 2nd or 3rd (Thur.,Fri., or Sat.) Doors: 7:30 Show 8:00